Activate Feminine Energy, deepen Self Love, and awaken your Sensual Nature with the Rose.

Sister, has the Rose been calling you?
The Rose whispers to us, gently beckoning us into her unfolding mystery. She invites us into depths of our Feminine Power, sensation, and The Beauty Way.

She teaches us to embrace our human form, and engage with our senses to tap into expansive realms of energetic perception.

Expansion above start by grounding into the body; because it is with deep loving roots that our branches can grow higher.

The Rose is a loving guide that can support you in:

  • cultivating self love
  • activating more pleasure in your life
  • seeing the divinity of your body
  • awakening subtle energetic perception
  • embrace your sensual nature
  • opening your energy channels
  • healing and opening the heart
  • understanding the true essence of Beauty, as an energy
  • healing the heart
  • embodying Love

And in this process, she deepens us into the body, and activates more of our feminine essence.


  • You have been caught up in a structure of hustle.
  • You have been wanting to connect with more of your feminine energy
  • You may struggle truly loving yourself, and your body.
  • You may feel disconnected from pleasure and the knowing of your Divine nature.

I've been there. Rose came into my life when I was struggling with depression and remnants of body dysmorphia. She has been one of my greatest guides in not only feeling safe in my body, but learning to truly love it and see it as the sacred vessel to my soul.

And she can do this for you too.

It is with an expanded heart that I am sharing these transmissions from the Rose.

Together, we will be diving into her teachings, and going on a journey into understanding her essence within us, and embodying her codes.

This is a deeply sensual and embodied experience, that in turn activates a capacity to receive more light and beauty.

The Rose invites us with curiosity to dive into our feeling to awaken us to depths of sensation. 

It is through the engaging of our senses that we open to more subtle realms of energetic perception, and more of our psychic awareness can activate.

By leaning into the exploration of using our body to access the Divine, we begin to open our channel to higher codes of light.

Rose is medicine for our heart, and nourishment to our Soul.

Her teachings run deep. This course is curated to connect you with the Rose, so you can begin, or deepen an existing relationship with her and see the multidimensionality of what she is and offers.

Introduction to Rose Codes

Music in this video is by Xi Earth Star

About Mich

My name is Mich Chiu, and I am a feminine power activator, as well as energy healer.

The Rose facilitated my kundalini awakening a few years ago when I worked with her in ceremony for the first time. I have since been working with her very intimately. She has initiated me into sharing her teachings and transmissions in activating the magic of her beauty, grace, and power in other women.


"The ceremonies and meditations, I have done with Mich and the Rose have assisted me to bloom even deeper into my truest self.

They have been exquisite experiences for my body, mind and soul.

Intoxicatingly sensual.

I felt pleasure, passion, a deepening of self love and a truly embodied experience of myself. As a fellow woman in devotion to the rose, I deeply appreciate Mich sharing this loving medicine so powerfully with me."


"The Rose gave me the opportunity to start connecting deeper into my being, and truly seeing Me. I felt empowered by claiming my name out to the universe, I felt heard and held. I felt me! It was a beautiful experience of self love, connection and self acceptance. 

The teachings of Rose pour so naturally from Mich as their connection is felt strongly through practice and embodiment. It is truly inspiring. Her gentle and transformative energy is felt deep within your cells as she is a divine channel of universal life force energy.

Mich's embodiment of the Divine Feminine gave me permission to encourage that connection within myself, to connect with my womb and get to know her, developing a relationship of trust, feeling the energy within her and learning to listen to her heartbeat everyday; understanding a little bit more my beautiful vortex of creation.

So much gratitude Mich, for all the wonderful work you do to nurture, inspire, and heal a divine connection to our feminine energy, honouring the gentleness, vulnerability and strength of the Rose within."


"I’m eternally grateful to Mich for her inspiration and guidance. She lovingly invites you to meet yourself in the divine space of beauty, love and acceptance.

I was initiated into the rose sisterhood at the perfect time. Her medicine is soft, sensual and potent. She invited me to come alive and feel more pleasure with a rooted connection to my sacred feminine magick. She has helped me to experience more unconditional love and appreciation for myself and for other women. Within her essence is the medicine needed to support the healing of the sister and mother wounds.

In my journeying with the rose I have come to a place of reconciliation with the program of comparison and competition. I have been able to see and embody more of my uniqueness. It was through the rose codes that I felt a reclamation to the ancient wisdom of my womb. I felt activated in parts of myself that were familiar but also foreign. Each time I sit with Mich and the medicine she carriess through the rose I am blown away with the healing and empowerment I gain access to. Rose medicine is a must for any woman who’s ready to step into her power and reclaim what’s hers."


I am here to support your journey. For any questions, you can contact me at [email protected]

or visit my site below